La Luce
Com’è il mondo alla luce delle lampade, ..
Per questo progetto ho deciso di parlare del tema dato tenendo conto dei lati più
umani e naturali che la parola “luce” può rappresentare.
Vari sono stati i ragionamenti sul significato del termine, spesso associato alla
ricerca della verità e quindi alla rivelazione di un mistero, al candore e alla felicità
di comprensione. Molti pensatori, poeti e artisti hanno lavorato e scritto
riguardante questo argomento e tutti in modo diverso inteso la luce come sinonimo
di bene e calore.
La decisione di sviluppare un lavoro caratterizzato da elementi letterali e non
specificamente in chiave della Fisica deriva da una più facile spontaneità del
sottoscritto nel produrre un lavoro con questi connotati.
Il lavoro è prettamente grafico, senza l’utilizzo di elementi plastici o multimediali :
si divide in due cartoncini di misure 50x70 cm di colore grigio nei quali ho inserito
in una composizione, 4 rettangoli di misure 12x19 cm nei quali sono intervenuto
con tecniche differenti. Esse sono il collage e l’utilizzo della grafite negli
inserimenti di tipo grafico e letterale. La chiave di lettura di tutto il lavoro sta nella
suddivisione in coppie degli inserimenti. E’ chiaro il parallelismo tra il significato
letterale della delle frasi inserite e le immagini scelte! L’intento era quello di
descrivere i vari significati umani che si possono dare a queste onde
elettromagnetiche e le sensazioni che possono trasmettere le parole legate alle foto
utilizzate. Inoltre ci tengo a sottolineare il fatto che le foto sono state scattate dal
sottoscritto e non scaricate da qualche browser.
Brief history of lighting
With this work,
I want to represent the major landmarks of the light which lighted
the days and the nights of the men from the prehistory to these days
and age. In this work I have represent both the natural elements (as
the sun, the lighting and the fire) , and the artificial elements
(from the oil-lamp to the light bulb).
The earliest
light source obtained by men was the fire, c.a. 50000 years ago.
Initially, the torches were obtained from conifer’s woods and
shrubs, and then they used wood covered by pitch and animal fat.
Then there was
the invention of the first oil-lamp, that is closed bowl made of
terracotta or of blown glass, equipped with an handle, a central hole
for the oil, and a spout from which came out the flame.
are proofs which demonstrate that the candle was already used by the
Etruscans and probably also by the ancient Egyptians. Initially, the
candles were made of animal fat mixed with straw and at a later
stage with beeswax. The first candle as we know it took light in
1818, when the French Braconneau
e Simonin invented the steric candle. Its completion needed 15 years
(the major problem was the wick)
In 1783 the Swiss chemist François Ami Argand invented the oil lamp. Few years later, this innovation, which permitted to benefit of a more widespread of light than a candle, permitted the introduction of the petroleum and, at a later stage, the kerosene.
In 1783 the Swiss chemist François Ami Argand invented the oil lamp. Few years later, this innovation, which permitted to benefit of a more widespread of light than a candle, permitted the introduction of the petroleum and, at a later stage, the kerosene.
the 1792 the Scottish engineer William Murdoch succeed in the
utilization of the natural gas for the industrial lighting. That was
the first stage for the global lighting.
the 1879 Edison invented the bulb lamp, inserting a charred cotton
thread (for the resistance) and two platinum thread (for the
conduction) in a glass ampoule.
artistico treviso
have choosen to create a collage of photographs to enclose different
moments in a single image. In this way the impact of the content is
direct and immediate.
photo shoot shows a drop of ink expanding in a glass with some water,
until the black ink occupates all the space.
reflection of the light fades with the advancing ink, and in the last
picture the light beam is almost completely disappeared.
intention is to capture the changing of time from the sunlight to the
darkness of the night , the natural rhythm of life.
Riccardo Pasqual
Titolo/Title: Revelations
fotomanipolazioni con inserti pittorici/ Acrylic and computer graphic
Description: “Revelations” is a
triptych based on original photos and reworked thruough computer
graphic and small pictorial interventions with acrylic colours.
This work wants to exalt the importance
of light's presence in nature. That's the reason why the original
photos are just b/w. In my mind I pictured to underline the
importance of colured light by its absence. In the three photos,
Light just reflects and shines upon objects. The only exception is
the central frame that rappresent a lightswitch: in our modern and
civilezed communities we control Light with a simple botton(on or
off)... I actually want to remark the fact that Light is not
considered so natural any longer but rather a tool.
Then there is the point of colours.
We can't imagine colours without Light,
so i just wanted to identify the expressive value of illumination
with the use of colours, painted freely.
So, the three frames reveal my
suggestion of Light as great maker of colours, the main and most
important vehicle for visula art and not only...
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