jeudi 25 juin 2015


Presentation of the project:

The main objective is to share a scientific experiment on the same theme: light.
Each team offers an experience that is observed by others, explained in each class, and sometimes testing by the other teams.

25 classes, 18 differents countries participated in this project, to celebrate the International Year of the light.

1000 Students from 5 to 19 years and have exchanged their scientific experiments.

Christophe Galfard, writer and astrophysicist, was our mentor and presented an award

samedi 13 juin 2015


Congratulations to all teams for participating!
Here are the winners of this great project.
Each winning team will receive the new book by Christophe Galfard.

Do not hesitate to add comment on this project !!

The Universe in your Hand, UK cover

5 years 11 years: The prize is awarded to

The school  "El Sol i la Lluna", Spain



12 years 15 years: The prize is awarded to

4th Junior High school in Petroupoli. Greece

From the shadow of a stick to the ....circumference of earth

Repetition of Eratosthenes Experiment

On the 20th of March 2015, the closest to the vernal equinox date, our school had calculated the circumference of Earth.

What we had done is use a cylinder of a map case (we call this a “gnomon”), measure its length, hold it vertical to the ground and measure its shadow at solar noontime, when the shadow is the shortest. Then we calculated the angle that sunrays hit the ground.

 Other schools that date, had the same procedure of measurements, too. We exchanged data with those schools and using in a method of three the difference of the angles of the sunrays to the ground, we calculated the circumference of earth.

We did this, because of the participation of our school in etwinning project Eratosthenes 2015, an ongoing etwinning project that celebrates its ten years of life.

 On March the 20th, 16 schools of this project had also measured their gnomons and shadows.

Matching our data with theirs, the most accurate calculation for our school, came from matching those of the French college Antonin Perbosc in Lafrancaice, France.

 The circumference of earth calculated as 39954 Km.

This is a repetition of Eratosthenes experiment, which originally took place 2200 years ago. Watching this video you'll get a description of it (click on the following picture):

And more vividly and precisely the mathematician’s part is explained in this one (click on the following picture):

 You can also repeat this experiment!
We are looking forward to exchange measurements with you!

16 years 19 years: The prize is awarded to

The school Francisco Fernandes Lopes, Olhao,  Portugal

lundi 1 juin 2015


Créez votre propre sondage sur les commentaires des utilisateurs

dimanche 31 mai 2015

Opinions on the project .

International year of light is our first etwinning project...this is the first year we participate in etwinning and IYL was the first project we were applied and accepted.
But that is not the only reason we will always remember this project. We enjoyed our participation because we could see all various approaches of light our partners had offered us: light in physics, in chemistry, in technology, in art...light and life.
We had  long discussions in classroom of the materials we obtained from the project's twinspace and we much appreciated the opportunity to familiarize the concept of light before we get involved with that in our is our last experiment in our curriculum for A grade Physics and that is the reason we posted our light experiment just on time before the project is closed...
We also appreciate the freedom we have to create our material in the way we wished...a freestyle approach  without pressure...
Thank you all from the bottom of our heart for the collaboration, sharing and acceptance
Thank you for lighting up our days
Wish you all the bests
A grade pupils in 4th Junior High School in Petroupoli

An interesting experience, an open invitation for each partner to approach the main concept on his own....illuminating this variety of aspects that light has in different counties' school curriculums proves that the central idea of the project was brilliant. I feel very pleased of having participated in. Merci.


The theme is wonderful, it has been a little difficult to develope it in our course


It is a project with so many participants, ideas and good experсеnce! It`s great to be a part of it!


It was enlightening!!!

vendredi 29 mai 2015

4th Junior High school in Petroupoli...Category 12-15...Presentation of 2nd experiment on light

Imagine that it is 40 degrees outside. How do you stay cool? What kind of clothing do you wear?

Can you think of any instances that the color of an object makes a difference in how hot it gets in the sun?

In 4th Junior High School in Petroupoli, we tried to approach

vendredi 15 mai 2015

Visiting Observatory

Category 5 years to 11 years : 1

Liceo Artistico Statale, Treviso 2 (ITALIE)

Liceo Artistico Treviso : category 16 years to 19 years : 1

Alberto Sartori

My project is composed by three drawings which are realized on black sheets 50x70 with a white pencil. These three sketches wants to represent three of the most common ways with which the light can show itself in the real life. 

I have chosen these three subjects because i want to let to the people to understand that also the things which we hold simpler (the reflection in the eye, the turned on light bulb and the drop) are in reality complex works and at the same time beautiful.


For this project based on the concept of light, I decided to articulate my work on “the light of the future”. That is what mankind is starting to use more and more; by this I refer to the LED lights or neon signs characterizing for example the major cities of the planet.
This type of lights attract and impress in a very particular way, the attention of the viewers.
With the passing of the years it has come to produce not only the white light but all of the various shades conceivable. The wavelenght of the light emitted, and thus its colour, depends on the band gap energy of the materials forming the p-n junction. In silicon or germanium diodes, the electrons and holes usually recombine by a non-radiative transition, which produces no optical emission, because these are in direct band gap materials. The materials used for the LED have a direct band gap with energies corresponding to near-infrared, visible, or near-ultraviolet light.

Francesca Camussa
5^ F
Liceo Artistico Statale Treviso
I've always associated the Light with the sun. Probably because the sun is the biggest light source and it is infinite, differently from bulbs that always burnt.
I decided to use the photography to express this concept. I wanted to represent the sun without being ordinary, so I decided to use a filter: I decided to photograph them kissed by the sun. They are Beatrice and Sara. In the first picture Beatrice is layied down on the garden and she is looking at the camera. Beatrice's face is divided between shadow and light. Her blond hair suggesting the sun's rays shine the picture as the sun do with objects.
In the same way, Beatrice and Sara are wearing a white shirt that symbolizes the light and they are coming out from the 

Bianchin Giorgia 5^F 01/05/2015

Lights and Shadows

This project of mine is entitled: “Lights and Shdows”.
It is a photographic portrait that I took with my camera (Canon 1200 EOS) with the idea of freezing the effects of the light on a human body.
It representes a friend of mine who gently offered her self to be photographed.
To take this photograph I used a lamp as a big source of light because my intention was to make the light the very protagonist of this shoot.
For the same reason I choose a dark background to make sure we could identify better the effects of the light.
I took this photograph in order to capture the idea of light in contrast with darkness.
Moreover I chose this black and white shoot because it best gives the idea of contrapposition between these two tonalities.
The source of ligh arrives from the right portion of the image and it collides with the obscurity coming from the left portion and we can notice a gradual passage in her hair and above her shoulder.

Our composition is ispired by the luminous wave which was discovered by dutch scentist Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695). In the Christiaan Huygens' theories he described the light behavior as a wave. The scientific community accepted this new undulatory theory only one century later and the corpuscular theory of light was replaced by this innovative discovery. In this project we printed a simple white paper in different positions to give the idea of the undulatory movement. The effect of light is finally given by the strong contrast between black and white, the white of the paper and the black of the background. 

By Anna Mattiuzzo & Chiara Peruch

Alberto Favaro
Liceo Artistico Statale Treviso
5F 2014-2015


Through is the name of my project.
With this work i want to analize the light from a concrete and an ideal point of view.
This short magazine describes the shades of the natural light in the
photography and the contrast with the artificial light.
This comparison is describes also with the use of lyrics.

Milani Giulia, Di Guardo Giorgia, Lazzari Caterina


Shotting video;

Our project is based on the relation between a prism and a kaleidoscope, these two objects together generate the eletromagnetic spectrum.
Through the use of a stack as the light source, we observed and subsequently described/depicted the play of light that were reflected on the floor. Filming and photographs were made in a dark room, and some of them were created through the use of a kaleidoscope. 
In addition, we made use of a background music. The musical accompaniment chosen corresponds to the song 'Solstice' composed by the Icelandic singer Bjork. The argumentative theme of the text is the contrast between light and darkness in the world.
The kaleidoscope is an optical instrument that uses mirrors and fragments of colored glass or plastic, to create a plurality of symmetrical structures.
The simplest kaleiscope is basically formed by a cardboard tube entirely covered by two mirrors at least in the front, separeted from the central body by a round transparent glass, there are fragments inserted inside with different shapes and colours. A frosted glass closes the tube at the end.
The prism is one of several polyhedra that can be classified. In solid geometry, a prism is a polyhedron formed by two parallel polygons that constitute the basis, and which has the side faces of parallelograms.

Ilaria Tonetto
5f liceo artistico statale Treviso

to create the work of this project , I am based on the light within the lens . It intrigued me in particular the effect of refraction . this characteristic leads to seem that a given material changes its structure . in reality the object is hit by light waves , which change their speed and direction because cross two different densities . in the case of the work done , the object is the spoon and the light passing through

jeudi 14 mai 2015

Liceo Artistico Statale, Treviso (ITALIE)

La Luce 

Com’è il mondo alla luce delle lampade, .. Per questo progetto ho deciso di parlare del tema dato tenendo conto dei lati più umani e naturali che la parola “luce” può rappresentare. Vari sono stati i ragionamenti sul significato del termine, spesso associato alla ricerca della verità e quindi alla rivelazione di un mistero, al candore e alla felicità di comprensione. Molti pensatori, poeti e artisti hanno lavorato e scritto riguardante questo argomento e tutti in modo diverso inteso la luce come sinonimo di bene e calore. La decisione di sviluppare un lavoro caratterizzato da elementi letterali e non specificamente in chiave della Fisica deriva da una più facile spontaneità del sottoscritto nel produrre un lavoro con questi connotati. Il lavoro è prettamente grafico, senza l’utilizzo di elementi plastici o multimediali : si divide in due cartoncini di misure 50x70 cm di colore grigio nei quali ho inserito in una composizione, 4 rettangoli di misure 12x19 cm nei quali sono intervenuto con tecniche differenti. Esse sono il collage e l’utilizzo della grafite negli inserimenti di tipo grafico e letterale. La chiave di lettura di tutto il lavoro sta nella suddivisione in coppie degli inserimenti. E’ chiaro il parallelismo tra il significato letterale della delle frasi inserite e le immagini scelte! L’intento era quello di descrivere i vari significati umani che si possono dare a queste onde elettromagnetiche e le sensazioni che possono trasmettere le parole legate alle foto utilizzate. Inoltre ci tengo a sottolineare il fatto che le foto sono state scattate dal sottoscritto e non scaricate da qualche browser.

Brief history of lighting

With this work, I want to represent the major landmarks of the light which lighted the days and the nights of the men from the prehistory to these days and age. In this work I have represent both the natural elements (as the sun, the lighting and the fire) , and the artificial elements (from the oil-lamp to the light bulb).

The earliest light source obtained by men was the fire, c.a. 50000 years ago. Initially, the torches were obtained from conifer’s woods and shrubs, and then they used wood covered by pitch and animal fat.
Then there was the invention of the first oil-lamp, that is closed bowl made of terracotta or of blown glass, equipped with an handle, a central hole for the oil, and a spout from which came out the flame.
There are proofs which demonstrate that the candle was already used by the Etruscans and probably also by the ancient Egyptians. Initially, the candles were made of animal fat mixed with straw and at a later stage with beeswax. The first candle as we know it took light in 1818, when the French Braconneau e Simonin invented the steric candle. Its completion needed 15 years (the major problem was the wick)
In 1783 the Swiss chemist François Ami Argand invented the oil lamp. Few years later, this innovation, which permitted to benefit of a more widespread of light than a candle, permitted the introduction of the petroleum and, at a later stage, the kerosene.
In the 1792 the Scottish engineer William Murdoch succeed in the utilization of the natural gas for the industrial lighting. That was the first stage for the global lighting.

In the 1879 Edison invented the bulb lamp, inserting a charred cotton thread (for the resistance) and two platinum thread (for the conduction) in a glass ampoule.

Viscuso Giada
Liceo artistico treviso

I have choosen to create a collage of photographs to enclose different moments in a single image. In this way the impact of the content is direct and immediate.
Every photo shoot shows a drop of ink expanding in a glass with some water, until the black ink occupates all the space. 
The reflection of the light fades with the advancing ink, and in the last picture the light beam is almost completely disappeared.
The intention is to capture the changing of time from the sunlight to the darkness of the night , the natural rhythm of life.

Riccardo Pasqual 5f

Titolo/Title: Revelations
Tecnica/technique: fotomanipolazioni con inserti pittorici/ Acrylic and computer graphic photomanipulation

Description: “Revelations” is a triptych based on original photos and reworked thruough computer graphic and small pictorial interventions with acrylic colours.
This work wants to exalt the importance of light's presence in nature. That's the reason why the original photos are just b/w. In my mind I pictured to underline the importance of colured light by its absence. In the three photos, Light just reflects and shines upon objects. The only exception is the central frame that rappresent a lightswitch: in our modern and civilezed communities we control Light with a simple botton(on or off)... I actually want to remark the fact that Light is not considered so natural any longer but rather a tool.
Then there is the point of colours.
We can't imagine colours without Light, so i just wanted to identify the expressive value of illumination with the use of colours, painted freely.
So, the three frames reveal my suggestion of Light as great maker of colours, the main and most important vehicle for visula art and not only...